In the Philippines, there can be seen a continues rise in the construction of condominium infrastructures, considerably a new trend in business ventures. Apart from the thousands upon millions of cash used to fund and kick-start these infrastructure, it is home to hundred of families and individuals. Individuals whom are consumers of the infrastructure and individuals whom serve and/or protect the consumers. 

When entering residential condominiums, the first few people whom you'll meet and greet are the ever-present security guards and receptionist staff assigned at the front desk of the building. Particularly speaking, the security and receptionist of Tropicana Garden City in Sto. Nino, Marikina City are the representation an iron wall keeping the security and protection of the community inside the condominium. To serve the people as they were trained to do and so passionately worked hard for. Unlike the Hollywood representation of security guards found in movies and television shows the work of our security guards can be seen as less thrilling and eventful without the constant firing of guns and the hustle of a cat-and-mouse chase between those who serve the law and those who break the law, this does not lessen the brevity of their duty and responsibility to the community. With their utmost abilities they continue to serve and protect the people which is no easy task that can be handle by just anybody. It requires a set of trained skill and strong will to be honed before an individual is able to raise their chin high and proclaim their status as a servant of the country and its people. The duty of a security guard and/or a receptionist does not only limit itself to protecting and serving the country but to also interact with people, in Filipino terms "pakikikapwa." Social interaction is a necessity to a security guard and/or receptionist work to attain rapport and good releationship among fellow professionals and the community as a whole.

In the context of our assigned security guards and receptionist stationed in Tropicana Garden City, a month does not go by without a few problems and misunderstandings occurring between the community and even those outside their community, the visitors. Due to the negligence of a number of the condominium's unit owners, the surroundings of the condominium is often untidy and messy due to the improper waste disposal. Cleanliness in the condominium has been a constant issue that continues to arise thanks to that. Other than that, a number of equipment of the condominium is often malfunctioning, an example would be their elevators. Water leakage has been an issue to the security guards and/or receptionist as well as the unit owners at Tropicana Garden City. Outside factors also pose a problem to the duties of the security guards and/or receptionist and the community. Visitors are also often seen breaking the house rules of the condominium without consideration.

To counter these problems and issues at the condominium a meeting or gathering is often done by the departments of the condominium to achieve a unison solution. Having unity among the department and the unit owners is a key factor to the success and improvement of the not only the facilities and equipment but also the attitude and behavior of the staff and the unit owners. Memos are given to the unit owners and visitors as a reminder and a warning to their actions. For severe cases and repeating offenders, penalties are given to the unit owners and visitors to uphold the house rules of the condominium.

The duties of a security guard and/or a receptionist requires social interaction with various individuals that may or may not have similarities with your own point of views and insights. To protect the people is a duty they most uphold but to serve is also a duty required from them. With the aid of social workers in their field of work, the interaction and rapport of the staff and the unit owners would grow and build to a healthy mutual professional relationship that looks both ways rather than a one-way conversation. Social workers can provide aid in creating solutions to issues that revolve around the attitude and behavior of not only the unit owners and the visitors of the condominium but also the staff themselves. Seeking help from outside professionals does not however lessen the credibility and capabilities of the security guard and/or the receptionist to do their task. With additional helping hands the tasks of both professionals can be done in a wider perspective with insights from both sides.

Tropicana Garden City- Ibiza Tower- 3rd Floor

Photo courtesy of Rachelle Maglonzo

                                                         Photo courtesy of Rachelle Maglonzo

Photo courtesy of Rachelle Maglonzo


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